Newsletters plugin
?Compose newsletters
Compose and send unlimited newsletters to your users. A friendly WYSIWYG editor allows effortless newsletter editing right in the control panel.
✉️Plain text newsletters
You have the option to compose plain text newsletters in addition to rich HTML ones to ensure cross-platform compatibility.
?Test newsletters
Sent yourself a test copy of the newsletter to review it and make sure everything is correct before you send it out to your users.
?Multiple recipient filters
Select from a variety of filters such as user group, account status, location, gender, interests, etc when sending newsletters.
?Subscribe option
Your users may opt-in to receive newsletters so you can choose if you would like to send newsletters only to subscribers or everyone.
⏯️Pause and resume
When sending newsletters to a large number of users, you can pause it at any time in case your hosting provider has limits and resume it later.